Biographical Information


  • 1993 Ph.D., University of Florida, Physics
  • 1987 M.S., University of Miami, Physics
  • 1984 B.S., University of Miami, Physics and Math  

Research and Teaching History:

Research Interests:

  • Theoretical High Energy Physics  

Some Publications:

  • Self-Inductance and Magnetic Flux,
    American Journal of Physics Vol. 91, Issue 8, August 2023, , with Teresa Castano
  • A practical, quantitative electrostatics experiment,
    Eur. J. Phys., Vol. 40 035201 (2019), with Bryan Armentrout
  • The physics of moving bodies,
    Physics Essays, Vol. 31, Issue 3 (2018)
  • A graphical Solution to the Monmort Matching Problem,
    in Topics in Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 3, C. Ashbacher, R. Pollari, & J. Corrigan, Eds., CreateSpace Independent Publishing (2015) 60-68
  • Angles, triangle inequalities, correlation matrices and metric-preserving and subadditive functions,
    Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 491, No. 15 (2016), with Vehbi Paksoy and Fuzhen Zhang
  • Basic Neuron Model Electrical Equivalent Circuit: An Undergraduate Laboratory Exercise,
    J. Undergrad. Neuroscience Ed., Fall 2013, 12(1):A49-A52, with Jaimie Tartar and Katie Dabrowski
  • Physics Overview of Solar Energy,
    in Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis: Solar Power as an Energy Source, R. Razeghifard, Ed., Wiley (2013) 1-12
  • Can a road-driven car outrace a free-falling car?
    Eur. J. Phys. 32 (2011) 1711-1718
  • Conicoid Mirrors,
    Eur. J. Phys. 32 (2011) 399-405, with Lawrence C. Hawkins
  • Basic Theory and Experiments in Physics, 4th ed.,
    Kendall/Hunt Publishing (2008), with David Simon
  • b –> s gamma constraints on the minimal supergravity model at large tan beta,
    PRD 58 (1998) 015007, with Howard Baer, Michal Brhlik, and Xerxes Tata
  • Naturalness lowers the upper bound on the lightest Higgs boson mass in supersymmetry,
    PRD 55 (1997) 2950, with Greg W. Anderson and Antonio Riotto
  • Consequences of supergravity with gauged R-symmetry,
    NPB 461 (1996) 50, with Daniel Z. Freedman and Cristina Manuel
  • Discrete symmetries and isosinglet quarks in low energy supersymmetry,
  • Measures of fine tuning,
    Physics Letters B, Vol. 347 (1995), with Greg Anderson
    PLB 340 (1994) 67, with Stephen P. Martin
  • Renormalization group study of the standard model and its extensions: The standard model,
    PRD 46 (1992) 3945, with Haukur Arason, Bettina Keszthelyi, Sam Mikaelian, Eric Piard, Pierre Ramond, and Brian Wright