Family Cafe 2024 – NSU DIAL Clinic presents the Independent Living Kitchen

The Disability Inclusion and Advocacy Law (DIAL) Clinic of the Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law is coming to the 2024 Family Cafe and is cooking up good things in our kitchen!

We want to make sure that people with disabilities can live as independently as they are able to do, with help – when they need it. At the Family Cafe, on June 14th and 15th, in Orlando, Florida. The DIAL Clinic and other volunteers will help people with disabilities and their families with these legal tools needed to live independently.  FOR FREE.

1.  We can give you advice and answer questions. Professor Talhia Rangel will be holding a session to discuss the ins and outs of independent living agreements on a time and room to be announced, but you can come by our room (kitchen) by the registration desk.

2.  We can make “powers of attorney” documents. These are agreements where you give someone you trust the ability to make decisions for you about important things, such as your healthcare or your money.  But – you still have the power to make the decisions too and can decide to end the agreement when the other person does not listen to what you want to do.

3.  We can make “supported decision-making agreements.” These two students with the chef with an NSU shark backgoundare brand new in Florida and will be going into effect on July 1.  These agreements let you name people (who are called supporters) who can help you with decisions and choices, and these supporters can go with you to make decisions, but the supporters cannot make any decisions for you. These supporters could help getting a job, going to the bank, or going to the doctor.

4.  We can show your families and caregivers how to create a “guardian advocacy” with the court.  A guardian advocacy is a process in court which gives a parent, family member, or friend the right to make decisions for you for things in which you cannot make decisions for yourself.  Since it is a process which needs to be filed in court and needs to be approved by a judge, we can show your families and caregivers what they need to file and do to open a guardian advocacy.

On June 14th and 15th, we will be in the Blue Spring II room – We are located next to the Registration Desk and across from the Exhibitors Hall.

map to Blue Spring Room IIWe will also be at booth 708 in the Exhibit Hall

If you have any questions, please call the DIAL Clinic at 954-262-6063 or email us at our email address.