
Prior to joining NSU, I was the Technical and Team leader for OS/2 and Workplace OS kernel and file systems for IBM and Senior Research and Development Engineer and Director of Systems Software for the Panda Project. My teaching and research areas include operating systems, networks, distributed systems, and system performance measurement and analysis; I have authored various conference presentations and journal articles primarily focusing on the architecture, design, performance, and evaluation of survivable/dependable distributed systems.

As the Associate Dean, Chair of the Department of Computing and the Department of Engineering, and Professor of Computer Science I am responsible for the B.S, M.S. and Ph.D. Programs in Computer Science, M.S. and Ph.D. Programs in Cybersecurity and Information Systems, B.S. and M.S. Programs in Information Technology, M.S. Program in Artificial Intelligence, M.S. Program in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, M.S. Program in Technology Management, and B.S. Program in Engineering including: teaching, curricula, accreditations, designations, scheduling, research, and development.

I am a Project/Co-Project Director for US Department of Education grants and Principle/Co-Principle Investigator of NSF grants totaling over 25 million dollars. The grants focus on computer science and cybersecurity research and student success efforts to broaden access to high-need STEM degrees and graduate/professional pathway preparedness.