Project Director: US Department of Education Grant (P116Z230321): Adaptive Computing Models for Cybersecurity Threats and Information Analysis, 2023-2026, $2.5 Million.
Co-Project Director: US Department of Education (P120A230002): PROSPERITY – Promoting and Reinforcing Offerings, Supports, and Practices, 2023-2026, $1 Million.
Co-Project Director: US Department of Education Grant (P031S230215): SHARK TAILS: Success in Academics, Research, and Knowledge, 2023-2028, $2.5 Million.
Principal Investigator: National Science Foundation (2219435) NSF-CISE-MSI: RCBP EDSaTC: Increasing Cybersecurity Research Capacity and Support Services for Computer Science and Information Technology Majors, 2022-2024 $382,360.
Co-Principal Investigator: National Science Foundation (2225180) Implementation and Evaluation Project: Co‐Curricular Strategies to Support Success of Undergraduate STEM Majors, 2022-2025, $499,982.
Co-Project Director: US Department of Education Grant (P031S20002): NSU Sharks: Supporting Academics, Research, Knowledge, and Success, 2020-2025, $2.79 Million.
Project Director: US Department of Education Grant (P031M190035): Innovations in Computer Science Success for Graduate Students, 2019-2024, $3 Million.
Co-Project Director: US Department of Education Grant (P200A180006): Doctoral Bound: Computer Science and Information Assurance PhD Fellowship Program, 2018-2023, $751,000.
Co-Project Director: US Department of Education Grant (P031S170092): Cooperation and Alignment of Services to Engage Students Pursuing High Interest/High Demand STEM, 2017-2022, $3.75 Million.
Co-Principal Investigator: National Science Foundation (1748199) Conference: Focused STEM Ideas for Inspiration and Innovation, 2017-2018, $91,292.
Project Director: US Department of Education Grant (P031S150012): Student Success in Computing and Engineering, 2015-2020, $2.65 Million.
Project Director: U.S. Department of Education Grant (P031M140015): Preparing Students for Graduate Degrees and Careers in the Computer Sciences, 2014-2019, $2.875 Million.
Co-Project Director: U.S. Department of Education Grant (P031S130085): Cooperative Effort to Broaden Access to High-Need Computer Science Degrees, 2013-2018, $3.9 Million.