A Message to the NSU MD Community

Undoubtedly, the past few months have been both challenging and unsettling. As we continue to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, distress and anxiety have been exacerbated for so many across the nation by the tragic death of George Floyd and the resulting social unrest, the likes of which have not been seen since the civil rights protests of the 1960s. We mourn this senseless loss of life and feel the outrage we all share. At the same time, we strongly condemn all acts of violence against other people and the unlawful destruction of public and private property.

Every person has the right to feel safe, accepted, heard, and valued. Respect for and inclusion of people from all backgrounds is one of NSU’s core values and a guiding principle in all that we do. We see this demonstrated every day as our faculty, students, and staff work together to make a positive difference in our world. But, to truly manifest the just and safe world we all desire, our nation must come together with compassion and empathy to extend that same attitude of acceptance, respect and care to every corner and every constituency in our land, especially right now to African American communities who are justifiably feeling unsafe, angry, and vulnerable.

As we all go forward together, I want you to know that our medical College is here for you, to ensure, in every way we can, that each of you has the opportunity to achieve your dreams in a community of equality, respect, support, and safety. Please reach out to me or other faculty or staff if you need support or assistance. We are here for you.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”


Johannes Vieweg, M.D.