Thanksgiving 2020 – Dean’s Message

Dear Students, Faculty, Colleagues, and Friends of the NSU MD Community,

No doubt, 2020 has been a tumultuous year, evoking concerns for one’s personal health and economic circumstances, in addition to the challenges and difficulties of navigating the virtual world of online learning, telework, and maintaining social relationships. The global pandemic has impacted everything we do—how we relate to one another, buy food, learn, teach, travel, communicate, conduct business, perform research, and practice medicine, just to name a few. It should come as no surprise that this all-encompassing disruption has tested the good nature of even the most resilient among us. And, for those who have suffered the greatest losses—the loss of loved ones, jobs, businesses, precious time with children, grandchildren and elderly family members—it would be understandable if they found finding gratitude this Thanksgiving holiday a lot to ask, and yet, the time of reflecting and giving thanks is upon us.

Despite these challenging times, as we remain distanced from each other and brace ourselves for a difficult winter season, for me, personally, this Thanksgiving provides an opportunity to connect even more deeply to what’s really important—family, relationships, and finding meaning in our life’s work; and, especially, to reflect on what the future will bring. Vaccines are coming soon, which will help to put this pandemic behind us and return to a new, albeit transformed, a semblance of normalcy. I am encouraged and uplifted when I think about our students, who are exceeding my expectations and of whom I am extremely proud. Likewise, I am inspired and in awe of our gifted faculty and their passionate dedication to our school, as

well as our friends in the community who have supported us by giving their time, talent and treasure. We are, indeed, fortunate to study and work in a place where the university and community have come together to successfully weather this storm by prioritizing a smart and balanced approach for navigating these academic and economic challenges.

The pandemic will continue to impact our health and our economy for a while longer, but better days are on the horizon. In the meantime, I will give thanks daily that we are here, together, resiliently weathering the storm and continuing to grow and progress along with our missions.

At this time of giving thanks, I encourage you to take the time to connect more deeply with the significant people in your life, to show love, to express appreciation, and to support one another in this time of uncertainty and isolation. Although we don’t know exactly what the New Year holds, it is full of hope and promise, and I am certain we will soon emerge from this storm wiser and stronger than ever before.

Stay safe, have a wonderful holiday season, and I hope to see you soon!