Changes to NIH Biosketch and Other Support Forms Coming May 2025!

All NSU researchers who are senior/key personnel in National Institutes of Health (NIH) proposals and awards need to get prepared for some significant changes regarding Biographical Sketches and Other Support forms.


For all proposal and Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) submissions with due dates on or after May 25, 2025, NIH will require use of the Biographical Sketch and Other Support “Common Forms,” in compliance with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) mandate that all federal agencies adopt the common forms to standardize/clarify federal disclosure requirements (see OSTP memo Policy Regarding Use of Common Disclosure Forms).  NIH will also implement a separate Biographical Sketch Supplement form to capture NIH-specific information (i.e., Personal Statement, Honors and Contributions to Science).


After NIH’s May 25th implementation date, NSU researchers will be required to (1) generate Biographical Sketches/Other Support forms from within the Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) platform and (2) have a unique ORCID ID that is linked to their eRA Commons profile for all proposals, Just-in-Time requests, or RPPRs.   To prepare for this change, researchers should take the following steps now:


  • familiarize yourself with the SciENcv research profile system and how to use it to complete Biographical Sketch/Other Support forms
  • obtain a free ORCIDID and link it to your eRA Commons account


For more information, please visit the NIH website: Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support | Grants & Funding and refer to NOT-OD-24-163 (NIH’s Adoption of Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support by May 25, 2025).


If you have questions regarding this change, please reach out to the Office of Sponsored Programs (