From the Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy…
January 2024 Research Highlights reported by the Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy.
Benedict C. Albensi PhD, Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences within the Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy, has be an invited speaker to a host of events including The Florida Space Institute, giving a talk titled ‘How Alzheimer’s Disease Research can Inform and Improve Astronaut Health’ on November 08, 2023. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder that affects memory, cognition, and behavior. Over 55 million people worldwide have AD. Interestingly, studies have shown that exposure to space radiation and microgravity can accelerate aging, affect brain metabolism and structure, trigger inflammatory responses, and weaken the immune system, very similar to what is seen in AD. Given this, research on space medicine is well positioned to benefit from studies in aging and AD research.
Below is a list of Dr. Albensi’s recent talks and interviews:
2024 (Nov 16th recorded) Dateline Health BECON TV interview – Dateline Health TV. (27 mins)
2023 Nov. 11th. Keynote Address. Are we Missing the Boat on Alzheimer’s Research and Care? Fourth Annual Aging Well Summit. Organized by Cairasu All Things Alzheimer’s and Cairasu Home Care. Madison, WI. In person meeting but Keynote presented via zoom.
2023 Nov. 8th. How Alzheimer’s Disease Research can Inform and Improve Astronaut Health. Univ. Central Florida., Virtual
2023 Oct. 17th. Sex-Specific Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
2023 Sept. 22. Challenges in Alzheimer’s Research and Care. Deer Lodge Centre, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, virtual.