QOL Utilizing Community-Based Participatory Research to Address Community-Identified Issues and Promote Social Change


Kasi Lou Van Heel, DrPH., MPH is an Assistant Professor of Public Health at the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine in the Department of Public Health, at Nova Southeastern University. 


Tell me briefly about your recent grant-funded project(s). 

Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) is a collaborative research approach that actively involves community members, organizational representatives, and researchers in every step of the research process. The goal is to leverage the expertise and perspectives of all stakeholders to address community-identified issues and promote social change. This study was initiated after informal interviews with community members, including parents, students, and school staff, to identify critical issues such as disparities in academic performance among student athletes in Broward County. The project integrates community insights with academic expertise, emphasizing a responsive and collaborative research agenda. It aims to explore the relationships between parental involvement/rewards for performance and student-athletes’ academic performance. It also measures participation in academic programs, college interest, motivating factors and definitions of success. The goal of the study is to identify critical factors affecting academic performance among student athletes in title I schools to guide early intervention programs that improve the success rate for student athletes with lower parent involvement. 


Who is working with you on this project? 

Internal Collaborators: 

  • Dr. Josiah Alamu, Associate Professor, serves as the project statistician. 
  • Dr. Stacey Pinnock, Assistant Professor, provides expert guidance on research methodology. 
  • Student Research Assistants 

Student Research Assistant 

  • Jiya Patel (BSPH Student, NSU) 

External Collaborators: 

  • G’ana Robinson, Assistant Athletic Director, Broward County Public Schools 
  • Principals: Dr. Tavures Williams (Blanche Ely High School)  
  • James Griffin II (Boyd Anderson High School) 


What opportunities and/or benefits does this grant bring to the NSU community? 

This project creates opportunities for students and faculty to engage in community-based participatory research (CBPR), a proven and innovative approach that facilitates entry into and builds trust within historically disadvantaged communities. CBPR fosters meaningful collaborations between NSU and local partners, empowering both students and faculty to address disparities by involving the community in identifying priorities and solutions. 

NSU students gain practical experience as research assistants in data collection, analysis, and dissemination, enhancing their skills in applying public health methodologies. Faculty benefit by addressing disparities in historically underserved communities and producing actionable findings to inform student athlete-centered academic programs. These findings could also be adapted for NSU to enhance support for its student athletes and improve matriculation through NSU degree programs. 


How does this project connect with your other work at NSU? 

This project aligns directly with my teaching and research in Community-Based Health Projects and Social Behavioral Sciences Applied to Public Health. By utilizing Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), it bridges theory with practice to address disparities in health and education among historically disadvantaged populations. 

The CBPR approach ensures that the research is community-driven, fostering trust and promoting sustainable social change. This methodology complements my broader efforts to engage directly with communities, build equitable partnerships, and develop practical solutions that address systemic inequities. The project also underscores NSU’s commitment to meaningful community engagement and demonstrates how academic expertise can drive impactful outcomes in collaboration with local stakeholders. 


How has NSU helped you pursue and/or achieve personal and professional goals you have set for yourself? NSU resources used? 

NSU has provided an excellent platform for engaging with interdisciplinary colleagues, local partners, and students. Access to resources like the Quality of Life Grant, NSU’s IRB support, and research infrastructure has enabled me to pursue community-based initiatives aligned with my professional goals and intrinsic values. Additionally, mentoring opportunities have allowed me to guide students in applied research experiences. 


What advice do you have for other grant seekers at NSU? 

Start by identifying needs or gaps that align with existing scientific knowledge, community priorities and NSU’s institutional goals. Engage potential community partners early to ensure that the project addresses real-world challenges and demonstrates value to stakeholders. Build a team with diverse expertise to strengthen your proposal and highlight its interdisciplinary impact. Additionally, focus on creating a clear and compelling narrative that connects the proposed project to meaningful outcomes, supported by well-defined goals and objectives. Be sure to take advantage of NSU’s resources, such as grant writing support or mentorship opportunities, to refine and strengthen your application. 


What is the next grant proposal or project on your agenda? 

Building on the findings of this study, my next project will focus on developing a community-driven intervention program to enhance academic achievement and college readiness among student athletes with lower parental involvement. This program will include tailored resources such as academic support services, mentoring initiatives, and capacity-building workshops for students, teachers and parents. The aim is to address systemic barriers while equipping student athletes with the tools and support needed to achieve their academic and career aspirations. I also intend to pursue external funding opportunities to expand the program’s reach and sustainability, potentially partnering with local organizations and educational institutions.