Baudhuin Preschool, The Academy, & Starting Right Preschool Programs

The Baudhuin Preschool, The Academy, and Starting Right programs, , all within the Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice, returned to face-to-face instruction in October 2020. Since then, the school has implemented successful procedures in keeping students and staff members safe and healthy. The Baudhuin Preschool maintains its partnership with the Dental and Challenging Behavior Clinics at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) and, most recently, established a partnership with The Broward Center for the Performing Arts (BCPA). In the spring of this year, BCPA brought the Sensory-Inclusive Performance of The Three Little Pigs to Baudhuin, and in the fall, BCPA has agreed to bring the Brazilian Voices in September and The Disney Sensory Experience in November.


Two main focal points for Baudhuin Preschool remain to provide high-quality educational programming and inform evidence-based practices in the field. Thus, we continue to operate as a university-wide lab school supporting academic programs and preparing the next generation of professionals who will serve autistic children and their families by providing high-quality, closely mentored clinical experiences. Our classrooms serve as a training site for students pursuing a degree at NSU and other educational institutions at all degree levels (undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral) in a range of disciplines (Education, Human Services, Child Development, Applied Behavior Analysis, Speech-Language Pathology, Osteopathic Medicine, Counseling, and Physical Therapy). Students completing supervised field experience or fieldwork hours, practicums, or internships gain holistic learning experiences at Baudhuin Preschool.

There are also opportunities for faculty and students to participate in independent or cooperative research involving the school, students, teachers, and parents to explore teaching, learning, and the emotional, social and intellectual developmental and well-being of children with autism spectrum disorders. Additionally, Baudhuin Preschool continues to fulfill its obligations with the School Board of Broward County and has recently renewed its contract with the District for the 2022-2023 school year. There are many notable happenings that deserve mention from the past few years, including: saying thank you and farewell to our practicum/internship students who have graduated and moved on to start their careers, researching and developing, celebrating our moms, having fun pajama days, and exploring the performing arts!