From the College of Computing and Engineering…

July 2023 Research Highlights reported by the College of Computing and Engineering.


Yair Levy, Ph.D.

Yair Levy, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Systems and Cybersecurity
Director, Center for Information Protection, Education, and Research (CIPhER)

DOD CyberSecurity, Professional training, And Research in Computing (CyberSPARC) at NSU

The research focuses on the human-centric lens (human factor) of all three cybersecurity pillars with increased emphasis on the development of state-of-the-art tools and prototype applications to assist in the measurement of cybersecurity skills, human errors, identify insider-threats, cybersecurity hygiene, along with experimental studies to assist organizations with Business E-mail compromise (BEC), social engineering and phishing, cyber threat mitigation, improve business continuity plans, resilience, and general cybersecurity risk management.



Greg Simco, Ph.D.

Greg Simco, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Computing, Chair, Department of Engineering, and Professor of Computer Science

NSF CISE-MSI: RCBP-ED: SaTC: Increasing Cybersecurity Research Capacity and Support Services for Underrepresented Computer Science and Information Technology Majors
This research focuses on modern cyber defense that requires learning how to resist, investigate, detect, and respond to an attack as it unfolds in real time including the collection of data from the event sources, the aggregation and correlation of data, and the visualization, alerting, analytics, reporting and retention that feeds into the threat and vulnerability management processes. Research objectives are to develop curriculum content that increases student access to advanced tools and resources to bolster preparation for and participation in cybersecurity-related research activities and to increase NSU’s research capacity and support system for new cybersecurity research experiences that are timely, reactive, and secure information management.