1NSU Wireless vs Guest Network
It has been brought to our attention that some students are having difficulty connecting to or using our wireless network. Did you know that using the 1NSU network is the most effective and efficient way to connect on our campuses?
Click on the link below for instructions on how to connect your devices to the NSU wireless network.

NSU’s wireless network provides high-speed Internet access and state-of-the-art security features throughout the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus and the Regional Campuses. NSU provides two independent wireless networks:
– 1NSU is the recommended, encrypted wireless network for faculty, staff, and students.
– Guest is the recommended, unencrypted wireless network for visitors/guests. This network is not intended for University business (Faculty, staff, and students should not use Guest).
– Students in the residence halls can connect their game consoles and streaming media devices to the “NSU” wireless network by registering the wireless mac address.
Are you still having issues connecting?
Please contact our Shark IT Team by calling 954-262-4357.
Thank you,
Office of Innovation and Information Technology