The Sterling Council has opened up registration for their 2023 examiner positions. From now until September 16th, applicants can register for Sterling Council Leadership training in preparation for the 2023 evaluation cycle. Being a member of the Sterling Board of Examiners provides applicants the unique opportunity to tour and evaluate some of Florida’s best businesses using the Sterling/Baldridge criteria.
While applications close on September 16th, it’s highly recommended applicants register by August 19th for early bird pricing for $300 off the training. Training is fully online with a mixture of live highly interactive sessions and online self-paced courses consisting of training in evaluation criteria, application assessment, and case studies. To accommodate for schedules, each live training session is offered 3 times per month offered.
The Sterling Council
The Sterling Council was formed in 1992 as a not-for-profit public/private partnership supported by the Office of the Florida Governor. Their core business is the mgmt. of the Sterling/Baldrige National Criteria for Performance Excellence as a member of the national Alliance for Performance Excellence. The Sterling Council saves organizations, and the states of Florida and Georgia millions of dollars annually by evaluating organizational performance excellence.
Examiner Leadership Development Training
In Examiner Leadership development, qualified individuals will serve as examiners in the Sterling/Baldridge Performance Excellence Criteria. Sterling examiners develop and refine leadership competencies such as critical thinking, systems perspective, analytical skills, and business acumen. The examiners learn how to be more effective with both teamwork and communication skills, project management, and understand the basics of Lean Six Sigma applications, such as problem-solving methodologies, process mapping, and in-process and outcome measures. Finally, examiners learn what it takes to be a more effective leader in understanding the difference between continuous improvement and innovation as a key performance improvement leadership competency.
How to Apply:
- Review, complete, and email the New Examiner Application of Intent to registration@thesterlingcouncil.org
- Review the 2023 Cycle Examiner Training Schedule, make your training session selections, and complete the 2023 Examiner Training Registration form.
- Upon receipt of your training registration form, further instructions will be provided to guide you through training preparations.
For additional information, please contact the Sterling Office at 850-922-5316.