Register for ASQ 1510’s monthly section meeting on Tuesday, November 7th at Tropical Acres Steakhouse in Fort Lauderdale, FL. This month ASQ welcomes April Frank of Innovative Edge, Inc. to present “Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Performance Excellence and Comprehensive Quality. Included with the presentation is a quality workshop on diversity in thinking and a full course meal. Register in-person, $5 student price here or register online for the presentation only.
Presentation Topic:
Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Performance Excellence and Comprehensive Quality
Why do smart people fail? Have you known of highly competent, experienced, well-educated individuals who fail to reach expected or desired outcomes?…Perhaps they’re unable to get things done through others…unable to lead and influence others effectively…yet they are described as very smart and highly competent.
In this session you’ll hear from April what Emotional Intelligence (EI) is and is not, and its relevance to your role. She will discuss five core EI competencies and their importance. You will learn the role of EI competence in performance, productivity, leadership, resilience, and leading, and managing change. April will review findings from neuroscience on emotions and their impact on perception, brain function, focus and behavior, and the implications for sustaining interpersonal and leadership effectiveness.
New and compelling research provides greater insight into how our brains operate and affect decision making, behavior, relationships with others, and performance. Studies have proven that business performance is critically dependent upon the individual’s ability to successfully manage themselves, their behavior, and their relationships. Productivity has been shown to double and even triple with the development of EI. For star performers in all jobs, in every field, emotional competence is twice as important as purely cognitive abilities. For success at the highest levels, in leadership positions, emotional competence accounts for virtually the entire advantage. EI can be developed and enhanced through assessment, behavioral training, and coaching.