Meaningful Gift for Shark Family

Scott Colton, B.A., APR Director of Medical Communications and Special Projects NSU Office of Printing and Publications After more than 20 years as a proud Shark, Scott Colton says the students at NSU’s Dr. Kiran[…]

Meet the Fellows: Jim Hutchens

Growing up, Jim Hutchens never imagined he would become a librarian. When he graduated from high school in Pennsylvania, he went to play football at St. Francis College (now St. Francis University) in Loretto, PA.[…]

Letter from the Editor: November 20, 2020

November is the month of gratitude, and studies have shown that expressing gratitude increases happiness, and receiving gratitude reduces frustration and stress. In keeping with the theme of the month and improving everyone’s spirits, we[…]

Veterans to Benefit from Research Grant

In the 2012 Suicide Data Report, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimated that 22 veterans a day commit suicide. This heartbreaking statistic is where The 22 Project, a South Florida-based non-profit dedicated to treating[…]

Letter from the Editor: October 29, 2020

Philanthropy. Innovation. Entrepreneurship. Commitment to community. All characteristics of NSU and our family of donors, alumni, students, faculty, and staff members. In this issue of Donor Connection, we welcome the opportunity to recognize even a[…]