Exploring the Mandelbrot set

The program on the previous page renders the Mandelbrot set as it appears in a particular rectangular window on the complex plane; specifically, the rectangle [-2, 1]\times [-1.4i, 1.4i]. We can change this window by panning and by zooming in and out. In the following program, setting frame to 2 (or 3 or 4) creates a frame for zooming in or out by a factor of 2 (or 3 or 4).1 When zooming in, the frame expands to become the the window; when zooming out, the window contracts to fill the frame. To pan, drag the frame to a new location. Press Go to apply your choices.

Exploring the Mandelbrot set

The boundary of the Mandelbrot set is a fractal curve. To see this, repeatedly zoom in on a region containing a section of boundary. Although the set’s fractal structure persists to any magnification, our program magnifies only to a power of about 10^5 due to its finite precision.

  1. The frame disappears when frame is set to 1.