
An alphabet is a finite set of symbols such as \lbrace0, 1\rbrace and \lbrace a, b, \ldots, z \rbrace. A string is a finite sequence of symbols drawn from a given alphabet. For example, ‘aa’, ‘cat’, ‘abracadabra’ are examples of strings over the alphabet of lowercase letters, of length 2, 3, and 11 respectively. The empty string \epsilon has length 0.

Consider recursive construction of the set of strings of length n over alphabet \Sigma.1\Sigma[/latex] to denote the alphabet.] If n=0, the set is \lbrace\epsilon\rbrace, consisting of only the empty string. If n> 0, for each symbol a\in\Sigma, prepend a to every string of length n-1, where these strings are generated recursively. Since each of n positions can be occupied by |\Sigma| possible symbols, there are |\Sigma|^n strings of length n in total. For example, for \Sigma = \lbrace 0, 1\rbrace and n=3, there are 2^3=8 strings:


The following program generates such a table of strings in the form of a keyboard. Each symbol is color-coded, being represented by a rectangle whose color distinguishes it from the other symbols. Use base to select the size of the alphabet and n to select the string length. For example, for base=2, red corresponds to 0 and blue to 1; for base=3, red, green, and blue correspond to the symbols 0, 1, and 2 respectively.

A keyboard of strings

  1. Convention is to use [latex